I am Powerful

It’s time to step into your Divine Personal Power!

6 Week Group Coaching Program

Are you ready to own Your Most Powerful Self?!

This space is for you if…

You struggle to set, hold, or maintain powerful boundaries in your life.

You find yourself saying yes to please others, when you know you really want to say no.

You want to speak up for yourself more powerfully and more consistently!

You're interested in personal power on a spiritual and energetic level...you know there's more than what you've tried already.

You're ready to let go of the limiting beliefs and low self worth keeping you from owning your power!

You are seeking a badass powerful community!

You deserve to live EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. as your most powerful self!

It is your divine right to hold strong boundaries to protect your wellbeing.

You are an incredible being of light, energy and magic and you deserve to be shining that magic brightly every moment of this life!

What’s Included?

Six Live 60 minute Group Coaching Sessions!

A manual FULL of exercises, prompts, and reflections!

Guided Meditations and EFT Tapping!

6 weeks of support from Tacy and fellow group members!

Private Group Voxer!

One 30 minute Private Coaching Session with Tacy!

We will move through six Powerful Modules

Module 1: Personal Power

In our first week together we will begin by getting to know each other and opening our beautiful, supportive, and sacred container that will hold you on this 6 week journey!

Our meditation will be a beautiful journey guiding you to connect to your Highest and Most Powerful Self!

We will explore what YOUR definition of Personal Power is!

We will go deep into what Your Most Powerful Self looks like, how she feels, and how she expresses herself fully!

We will identify expanders and things that need to shift in order for you to fully embody her!

We will use these needed changes to set your powerful goal for our time together!

We will also talk about energetic protection and why its so important for you personal power journey.

Module 2: Energetics

In this module we will dive deeper into the Energetics around Personal Power.

Our meditation will be a guided journey through the Chakras to connect and heal these important energy centers!

We will explore Chakra Theory and how the Throat and Solar Plexus Chakras are key elements for Your Most Powerful Self.

We will talk about Energetic Cords and how they can effect your Personal Power.

You will create a Power Mantra to support you and the strengthening of you Power.

Module 3: Limiting Beliefs

At our halfway point we will focus on identifying and releasing the Limiting Beliefs that are keeping you from being Your Most Powerful Self.

Our Meditation will be a guided EFT Tapping session to move stagnant energy that may be holding those Limiting Beliefs in place!

We will rewrite those beliefs! Changing them from Limiting to Empowering!

We will close our third module by doing a burning ceremony together! Burning those Limiting Beliefs and fully releasing them!

Module 4: Saying No

In this module we will explore the art of Saying No!

Our meditation will be an exploration of what your “full body Yes” and “full body No” feel like to you.

We will explore your beliefs around Saying No and how they are affecting your ability to Say No when you need to.

We will look at the energetics of Saying No.

We will explore and brainstorm ways to powerfully, affectively, and efficiently Say No in your life!

We will also explore responsibility and how taking responsibility for others reactions or feelings can affect our ability to Say No when needed.

Module 5: Boundaries

In Module 5 we will explore how Boundaries are one of the MOST important elements in developing your Personal Power.

Our meditation will be a guided Energetic Boundary Setting and speaking of a Power Mantra!

We will go over all the steps of creating powerful boundaries - identifying, creating, establishing, and maintaining.

We will explore possible outcomes or reactions when we set boundaries and how to navigate them.

We will talk about the types of boundaries we can set.

You will do lots of work in your manual to identify and create needed boundaries in your life and we will get right to setting that boundary in your life! We will all be doing this together, supporting each other as we do! SO powerful!

Module 6: Owning It!

In our last week together we will bring it all together and celebrate all your hard work!

Our meditation will be a guided journey to embodying and fully stepping into Your Most Powerful Self!

We will create a Daily Power Ritual that you can do every day as you move forward and maintain the Personal Power you have created and begun to embody!

You will create and commit to ongoing actions that will continue to support Your Most Powerful Self!

We will seal our container together and lock in the power, abundance and sisterhood we cultivated over our 6 weeks together!

Everyone needs support!

Entering into a container like this with like minded, inspiring women is truly like nothing else. It is nurturing, supportive, inspiring and creates such a powerful space to be seen and to grow!

Each week you will be coming together to cheer each other on in becoming Your Most Powerful Selves!

It’s time to celebrate each other fully!

To lift each other up!

To celebrate each others wins, successes and badass moments!

You WILL leave this container feeling SO safe and ready to step fully into YOUR MOST POWERFUL SELF!




Includes everything listed above!


Are you looking for more 1:1 support in addition to the group support? Are you looking to really dig in and make those BIG changes you’re seeking?!


1 additional 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Session with Tacy

+Private Voxer Chat with Tacy during program

+1 Month Voxer support from Tacy post program end

Payment Plans available with a deposit!

Join my email list to be the first to know when enrollment opens and Early Bird pricing begins!



“I am Powerful was an empowering, supportive, inspiring experience. As a facilitator, Tacy knows how to hold space for a group in a way that allows the individual to feel held. She also fostered an environment where all of us felt comfortable with one another, and cheered each other on! It was a tremendously uplifting, powerful experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in owning their most powerful self!”


“Working with Tacy on her I AM POWERFUL class has opened new doors for me and changed my perception of who I am and what being in your power means in such an positive way! The class topics and open discussions were eye opening. The unconditional support from Tacy and support of the group members as we progressed on this journey was incredible! I highly recommend this class to everyone!”


"I found the program incredibly helpful. I loved the support and learning that I got from being part of the group. Tacy is such an insightful and kind teacher. Great experience!"